The Port Hedland Seafarers Centre's primary role is to care for the pastoral, practical and spiritual welfare of seafarers of all nationalities and faiths. We also welcome tourists and the local community of Port Hedland.
The Mission to Seafarers (MTS) is a registered not-for-profit charity and international mission agency of the Anglican Church. Port Hedland is one of 28 Mission to Seafarers Centres in Australia, with over 300 Mission to Seafarers centres across 71 countries worldwide. We are grateful to God for the faithful service of hundreds of staff and volunteers who have brought the mission and its services to seafarers visiting Port Hedland for well over half a century.
The Mission to Seafarers (MTS) is a registered not-for-profit charity and international mission agency of the Anglican Church. Port Hedland is one of 28 Mission to Seafarers Centres in Australia, with over 300 Mission to Seafarers centres across 71 countries worldwide. We are grateful to God for the faithful service of hundreds of staff and volunteers who have brought the mission and its services to seafarers visiting Port Hedland for well over half a century.
Our Mission Statement
Be the expression of Christ's hands reaching out in service. Be the ears that listen to every word spoken. Be the eyes that look for opportunities to serve. Be the compassionate healing heart of Christ. Be the pleasing aroma of goodwill to all. We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 The Bible teaches that God in His great love accepts and adopts us as his children because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, not because of what we try to do to earn his love. This is the Christian good news in a nutshell. "This is real love - not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins" (1 John 4:10) and "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) Here's two links to simple, clear outlines of this good news in 10 different languages: Contact Us to talk to a Chaplain if you have any questions or would like to know more. |